Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Table of Random, and Likely Horrendous, Fluids.

You come across a puddle full of vomit.

d120 Random Liquids

  1. saline
  2. brine
  3. aqua vitae
  4. mercury
  5. liquid oxygen
  6. liquid nitrogen
  7. bromine
  8. ether
  9. hydrogen peroxide
  10. distilled water
  11. wine
  12. beer
  13. coffee
  14. liquid smoke
  15. yogurt
  16. cream
  17. whey
  18. porridge
  19. fish sauce
  20. honey
  21. egg whites
  22. fruit juice
  23. vegetable juice
  24. tea
  25. soda water
  26. potato water
  27. molasses
  28. mayonaise
  29. mustard
  30. fruit jam
  31. ghost pepper sauce
  32. vanilla extract
  33. whisky
  34. mead
  35. stew
  36. broth
  37. warm lard
  38. tomato sauce
  39. custard
  40. vinegar
  41. meat emulsion
  42. absinthe
  43. urine
  44. saliva
  45. mammal blood
  46. blood plasma
  47. lymph
  48. horseshoe crab blood
  49. hemolymph
  50. vitreous humor
  51. cerebrospinal fluid
  52. tears
  53. hippo sweat
  54. synovial fluid
  55. pus
  56. mucus
  57. vomit
  58. amniotic fluid
  59. bile
  60. forbidden juice
  61. milk
  62. ichor
  63. pva glue
  64. acetone
  65. ammonia
  66. kerosene
  67. library paste
  68. rubber cement
  69. cyanoacrylate
  70. highly concentrated laundry detergent
  71. grease
  72. antifreeze
  73. bleach
  74. wet cement
  75. ferrofluid
  76. soapy water
  77. epoxy resin
  78. cooking oil
  79. aromatic oil
  80. volatile oil
  81. whale oil
  82. crude oil
  83. magma
  84. nectar
  85. liquid latex
  86. opium latex
  87. sap
  88. turpentine
  89. pine resin
  90. pitch
  91. mucilage 
  92. maple syrup
  93. gastric acid
  94. aqua fortis
  95. aqua regia
  96. formic acid
  97. oil of vitriol
  98. piranha solution
  99. cobra venom
  100. spider venom
  101. scorpion venom
  102. nerve agent
  103. aqua tofani
  104. sodium cyanide
  105. strychnine
  106. pure nicotine
  107. nitroglycerin
  108. sunscreen
  109. correction fluid
  110. calamine
  111. mouthwash
  112. perfume
  113. paint
  114. ink
  115. nail polish
  116. dye
  117. oobleck
  118. hard water
  119. quicksand
  120. monster soup

d30 Random Fluid Containers

  1. a jug
  2. a cistern
  3. a drum
  4. a barrel
  5. a fishtank
  6. a shoe full
  7. a bucket
  8. a bottle
  9. a puddle
  10. a bathtub
  11. a waterskin
  12. an amphora
  13. a canteen
  14. a lake
  15. a spoonful
  16. a pot
  17. a glass
  18. a hole
  19. a vial
  20. a flask
  21. an ampoule
  22. a basin
  23. a wok
  24. a canteen
  25. a decanter
  26. a jerrycan
  27. a keg
  28. a pitcher
  29. a vat
  30. a cauldron

1 comment:

  1. Bonus: Some items I decided to cut from the table of liquids:
    unicorn tears
    milk plus
    blue milk
